A week ago today, I spent a large chunk of my day attacking #128 - complete 24 challenges in a day.
Figured this was something that should be done relatively early for fear of incidentally completing too many of these challenges throughout the year and not having 24 left that can be done in a single day. Here's a brief(ish) rundown of what I took on.
#15 - plan 24 sec, stand on each foot for 24 sec - not too difficult, though I haven't been planking much lately so kicked those muscles back in
#19 - Write on something: "I really hope you have a great day. You are worthy of good stuff." Place it in a public restroom stall. - not much to say. did this at a nearby park
#51. Make a list of 24 things in your life you are grateful for.

#52. Read 224 or more words about a hard thing someone did 24 or more years ago. - since i was watching basketball i pulled up an article and read about Bill Russell's civil rights activism and returning the key to a city once after being refused service at a restaurant
#53. pick something up 5 different ways - pick up my gf's slipper and gave it to her using, knees, feet, mouth, elbows, and one foot
#59. Start a conversation with a stranger - couple with a dog named Flower outside of the market
#62. Hold your breath 48 seconds, while thinking of 4 things you appreciate - the first one that felt much tougher than expected. took a couple tries to get to 48 secs. thought about a lot of things from my gratitude list
#68. 5 reps of 4 different pushups in a min - wide/narrow/both offsets. looking at the video, my form isn't the best. might have been rushing
#74. Read at least 240 words about a place you've never been. - continued reading Fire Weather. incredible book that takes you mentally to Fort McMurray, Canada
#75. Write a personal mission statement, in less than 240 characters. - 240 isn't much, so had to boil it down to the basics (pictured above)
#99. 24 sun salutations in a row - this was incredibly hard. had some iffy elbows lately, so it was both good for me and tougher than I anticipated
#101. Hang from only your hands FAMi. - another tough one due to lack of proper equipment. my hangboard was all greased up with humidity, but a little chalk did the trick on the third try
#104. Sit still for two minutes and 24 seconds. (breathing acceptable.) - no movement besides breathing is a challenge. can't even scratch my nose. time passed quicker than I thought it might though
#105. Wave to 24 people you don't know and smile, IAD. - this was a piece of cake over a few bike miles on a gorgeous day from our place to downtown Madison. Got 24 in less than 15 minutes
#109. Crab crawl forward 24ft, backward, sideways left and right. - sideways was tough on my wrists. fun to do something I haven't since a kid
#110. Do 24 cartwheels, or kick your feet above your waist while hands on ground. - cartwheels seemed dangerous, since i can barely manage one good one. donkey kicks were exhausting
#116. Hold a side plank on left and right side from straight arm or forearm, for 24 seconds. WEIHFY - again, not too tough, but i have weak planking shoulders
#131. Hop on left foot 24 ft, pick up 24 coins, hop back. Repeat on right foot. - did this at a park. while we didn't have coins on hand, i picked 24 pieces of grass from the lawn. figured that was equivalent
#148. Purchase a type of food and drink you have never had before and consume it - agua fresca and australian licorice from the market

#169. Look up who was living in the area you are, or near you, native or other people, at the longest time back in known history. - learned the ho chunk origin story of the four lakes and that they weren't allowed to join the American legion after fighting in WWII
#171. Create a domino effect with at least 24 objects - we don't have a ton of things sitting around, but we do have books
#173. become a DHT patron - check
#179. Invert yourself somehow for 24 seconds. (handstand, head/elbow stand, hang from ankles, etc...) - hands were too hard. had to go on the head

#180. text four people you havent talked to in 2.4 months "how's it going" - I don't keep a ton of ppl in my phone who I don't keep up with, but managed to scrounge up 4 - 2 former co-workers and a couple old friends
Overall, a very fun day.
Bonus: today I completed #44 by changing the chain on my bike
Zak, this is awesome! thanks for sharing it. Love your mission statement. inspiring me to do 24.
Are you on FB at all? (wondering about you also posting to the FB group.)